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What is Reformer Pilates? 


A low intensity workout carried out on a carriage which is controlled by your own body weight and resistance, allowing you to build strength and tone without putting undue stress on your body. 


What are the benefits of Reformer Pilates? 


Reformer Pilates develops a strong core by strengthening your deep abdominal muscles aswell as supporting and strengthening the muscles of the torso, hips shoulders and pelvis. Reformer pilates gives a full-body workout, which in turn improves power, strength, flexibility and efficiency. Using your mind and body connection to work as one, you will feel stronger and toned. 


Reformer Pilates improves your posture, balance and stability. 


If you have injuries, Reformer Pilates is amazing for muscle and joint rehabilitation. 


How often should I do Reformer Pilates?


To really see the benefits to your strength and body shape, we would suggest a minimum of 3 times a week.  


Can anyone do Reformer Pilates?


Pilates can be adapted to suit people of all ages and fitness levels, from complete beginners to experienced athletes. Whether you just want a new hobby, looking to recover from an injury, improve your endurance and performance in other sports, Pilates is a safe, fun and enjoyable form of exercise for both men and women.

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